Fils et Encres (Thread and ink) is a new gallery and studio space near the old market in La Flotte on the Ile de Ré, France. The address is 29, Rue du Marché, 17630 La Flotte. The gallery features work made with textiles and thread, and printing in a wide variety of techniques: etching, lithography, collagraphy, mono-printing with dyes and digital print.
The gallery is open all summer and weekends in mid season.
The gallery shows the work of Val Holmes and Claude Vallin in its permanent exhibition. One of the artists will welcome you and answer any of your questions if you choose to visit.
Claude Vallin specialises in etching and printing.
Val Holmes is particularly well known for her teaching of art related to embroidery and textile design, and for Machine Embroidery. Her wide experience allows her to give helpful advice and guidance in all aspects of Embroidery and Design.
Throughout the year she runs workshops for beginners, intermediate and advanced students in a wide range of topics in her studio.
Val Holmes exhibits in other galleries and salons, and with other groups of artists. Her list of exhibitions can be seen on the webpage.
Claude Vallin exhibits in many collective etching shows.